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Mill Castings – QC – Consultants

It is a terrible waste in terms of energy, cost, human effort, damage to the environment, etc., to scrap a mill casting. However sometimes, this is necessary and it does not take an expert in quality control to see why. The assessment of flaws in castings using fracture mechanics seems to be too conservative but there is no credible alternative proposed by mill vendors at present. There is a need for independent, openly published research into a less conservative approach for casting flaw assessment and this would be useful to Owners and vendors alike.


Literature Review – Zen and the Art of Specification Writing

A paper on how to write mill specifications is reviewed. The paper is light on detail required to determine what should and what should not be included in a specification. It also incorrectly assumes that the interests of the owner, the engineering contractor and mill vendor are aligned throughout the procurement process without understanding that only one of these three entities will suffer major losses that can result in loss of the entire company when things go wrong. Owners should invest in training their engineers in the details of mill design and manufacture so they can specify what they want and ensure they get it.